This week has been jam packed. Now that we have less than 2 months left on our trip, we’ve started to feel the pressure to squeeze everything in. Long gone are the days of leisurely crashing somewhere for a couple weeks, exploring new places slowly and deeply. We’re still not traveling as fast as some backpackers though, sticking with a minimum of 2 or 3 nights in new places. We’ve enjoyed moving quicker; its never dull and there is really a rush that you get from running around, exhausted but wired, not sure what day it is, or even what country you’re in for that matter. But it is tiring.
I think this week we’re really starting to feel the strain of traveling for such an extended period of time. Most of our electronics have gone on permanent strike (ie. broke) Our feet are sore and all of our clothes have some sort of hole or stain in them. We’re on the home stretch and we’re balancing our excitement to go home with savoring every moment we have left on the road. This week we visited the small beach town of Hopkins, the reef island Caye Caulker and yesterday we crossed the border back into Mexico. After jumping around Central America for the past 5 months, heading back to Mexico feels like coming home. This is where we started our trip, the country we spent the most time in and a personal favorite of both of ours. Stepping across the border today, we were both invigorated with the anticipation of tacos, cheap beer and a few weeks on the Yucatan. Lets do it!