This weeks Friday Faces addition comes from a little town called Zunil, a short bus ride from Xela (Quetzaltenango), Guatemala.Ā
We ventured into Zunil on a mission to see the famous San Simon (Saint of Gambling and Drinking), and also happened to bump into this rather impromptu street band parading down the street. We asked a few people why they were celebrating, but most of the answers were put pretty simply,Ā porque no?Ā (why not?).
That’s the thing we love about Latin American culture. Sometimes you don’t need any reason for an over the top celebration, except for the fact that it makes you happy. Mind you, with all the religious dates that load up the calendar it’s a surprise Ā they ever find time to organize any extra fiestas. Latin American’s love their religious celebrations. Packed with daytime fireworks, marching bands and lots of feasting.
We watched on from the distance as the large brass band paraded through the windy cobblestoned streets and into the main plaza. They stopped outside the church and paid their respects, before marching on again to another side of the town. As we departed the town back to Xela we could still near the music off in the distance.
I love that response. Why not celebrate each day. Celebrate because you are alive and well. Would love to visit this place some day.
Great framing (in the photograph). I also love how the Latina Americans just seem to enjoy life to the fullest. They celebrate, they laugh, they dance their days away. It’s such a romantic notion of how life ought to be lived…
Absolutely! Over the last three years through Latin America we’ve definitely become accustomed to their festive lifestyle. Life is kind on boring back in Australia now haha.
That’s exactly why I love the Latin American culture
Thanks David! It’s a unique culture. We love it š
Love this shot! Such cool framing. I wish we celebrated in the UK just for the hell of it – if I tried to start a parade I’d probably get locked up!
Haha yeah it’s funny to think that if we spontaneously decided to celebrate life in the street, we’d be the ones viewed as weird. Embrace life, that’s how we try to live.
As a former tuba player I love this shot š
Glad you enjoyed it Brianna! He was our favorite out of the band and loved to pose for a couple of pictures.
Fantastic! Great shot, great share of a special moment in your travels.
I love the photo and the idea of eternal celebration in South and Central America! ItĀ“s so nice to find those street musicians and listen to their music and celebrations
We miss the random street music so much! It’s just not a party without a random Mariachi band haha.
That’s true! Why do we need a reason to celebrate or to be happy! They surely know how to enjoy the life!
They certainly do. I feel we learned a lot from embracing that perspective in life. It’s very rewarding when you start thinking like that.
And why a saint of gambling and drinking?
Well, why not? š
Reminds me of St. Martin, whose chore it is to look after winemakers and prostitutes, among a few others. It’s a big holiday, too.
Exactly, why not? A very Latin American attitude haha. We kove it! Never heard of St. Martin, will have to check him out. He sounds pretty rad!