Being Thankful Year Round: Happy Thanksgiving

Why Being Thankful Year Round is Imporant

Is it totally cheesy to write a post about all the things we are grateful for on Thanksgiving? Shouldn’t we just appreciate these things 365 days of the year, instead of on a designated holiday? Yes, and we do, but what better day than today to share these things with you?


Here are a few of the things we’ve grateful for this year:


Being Able to Travel

This year we only visited 7 different countries, but we traveled slow and saw some incredible places.




Our Health

Nothing like a serious case of parasites to make you realize just how important your health is. We try to take care of ourselves by eating well and exercising while traveling. But it isn’t always easy. Thankfully nothing too disastrous this year.



Seeing Some Absolutely Gorgeous Places

And spending a good chunk of this year lying on the best beaches in Central America, such as the amazing Corn Islands in Nicaragua.





Stuffing our Bellies Full of Some Super Delicious Food!





Having Each Other

Without having someone to bear some of the weight of backpacking (literally) I don’t think either of us would have made it this far. Traveling as a couple can get difficult at times, but with a few handy tips and tricks it isn’t the most difficult thing to do. Plus, as they say, a couple that travels together stays together! Ain’t that the truth.



Meeting Amazing Person After Amazing Person

This year we became friends, or just had the opportunity to sit down and chat, with some really inspiring locals and other travelers. It seemed like whenever we started to get the travel blues, and were ready to pack it in, we met someone who relit the spark and reminded us of how incredibly lucky we are to be traveling the world.





Yeeeeahhh! Thanks to everyone, those we met on the road and those who supported us back at home, for a fantastic year!


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Don't Forget to Move

At Don't Forget To Move we help promote and inspire adventurous, authentic and responsible travel around the world. With a lot of crazy stories in between! We show travelers how to see the world authentically through unique stories, engaging photography and videos, honest reviews and practical travel tips.

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